About Us
ELISID Freedom Foundation has been providing programs and services to the community for almost seven years, since 2008 and has been federally tax exempt since 2010. Since inception, ELISID or Exclusive Look Into Success IN-DEMAND, has helped over 20,000 low income, disadvantaged community members in Los Angeles, Riverside & San Bernardino Counties find gainful employment and retain their jobs of $2,000 or more per month. ELISID was initially created to fill a need within the employment services industry. There was and still is a systemic problem of “hiring agencies” dominating the process of finding a job. The solution? Ensure all people have access to online, authentic resources to obtain direct hire employment. Job seekers are empowered with the proper tools to go online and apply directly with the hiring company versus a hiring agency. Years ago, when seeking employment, one would pick up the newspaper, circle the jobs they were interested in and pound the pavement, driving or taking the bus to each employer directly and presenting their resume. They would make follow up calls until any one of them offered a job interview. With the invention of the Internet, those days are long gone… now people rely on hiring agencies to collect their resume and inform them of jobs that “may” be fit to apply to. The newspaper was replaced with the hiring agencies, and “pounding the pavement” was replaced with the Internet. This process, combined with the declining economy, has been proven ineffective by the consistently high unemployment rates that currently exist across the country. The passion behind our mission? To help people find a job without going through a recruiting agency. Using current technology, our goal is to educate job seekers on searching without limitation, to properly equip them with the correct tools to find a job in an industry matched to their background, and to obtain long-term direct hire employment. ELISID has grown beyond its initial passion and developed three solid technology based programs and services to help the community.