PFC Farms

PFC forms was designed to improve the quality of life by way of youth and adults accessing quality local produce. This program is collaborating and completed by strategic partners who assist with providing plants and needed material to grow and manage a sustainable garden. This program supports feeding the homeless, disadvantaged youth and seniors. A heavy emphasis is placed on working with veterans in government base institutions to provide quality produce that is needed for the body to rebuild necessary cell that may have been damaged.  Freedom foundation has followed for a pen that allows any plant to grow without limitations. Revitalizing the soil has led to PFC forms answering into the agricultural realm and plan in calling develop programs that are designed for the agricultural industry.

In 2017, farmer Anthony Vasquez established PFC Farms with the support of ELISID Freedom Foundation. Anthony Vasquez and his staff have consistently produced some of the finest nutrient rich quality, best tasting organic produce in the market today. Our streamline focus is growing all produce that is imported into the United States of America.  

At PFC Farms we manage indoor and outdoor growing operations to ensure we have sustainable long-term solutions for growing in adverse conditions. Our food/produce that is produced has the perfect flavor with texture and taste that will amaze you. Once you taste PFC Farms produce you will never want to go back to commercial foods.  PFC Farms growing practices meet  and exceed all strict federal standards. Those standards are upheld through rigorous inspections by third-party inspectors. PFC Farms organic agriculture program is one of the largest in the nation with over 50 different types of vegetables that are only grown utilizing Pacific Fertilizer Companies products. 



                        Weekly Harvest - 60 Pounds                              Aerial Overview of the farm


PFC Farms manage two locations in California and 22 Coorporative farming partnerships in California.  Produce grown at our farms is distributed through PFC Farms direct delivery service and additional food harvested is donated to those in need and Veterans Services Directory.  

The produce is integrated throughout, meaning that produce grown in Hemet and California and is distributed throughout Southern California. Growing indoor and outdoor allows us to harvest all year long. Generally plant genetics require double the amount of nutrients after the plant reaches 24 inches. Utilizing Pacific Fertilizer soil revitalization program repairs field/tough dirt and provides the necessary nutrients for the plant to continue to grow past 24 inches with double the yield.  Having this versatility of soil revitalization programs allows us to grow the best produce in the market place with out using any chemicals. Our produce will provide all the vital nutrients for infants and adults. 


PFC Farms Cares Donation Program

For over two years, we have been donating produce to a wide variety of organizations engaged in programs associated with feeding the homeless and providing vital nutrition to Veterans with the support of Veterans Services Directory. PFC Farms gives to non profits and Faith based organizations on a regular basis. PFC Farms is designed by ELISID Freedom Foundation